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Majlis of Sorrows at Golgatha

God is invisible, but according to the Bible, he sent his son Jesus as a human being onto our world. The main task of Jesus was to tell us about his father. Colossians 1: 15 puts it this way:


Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. 


The image of crucified Christ (but also of his two companions crucified next to him) is an image suffering and sorrows and therefore an image of the heart of his father. It shows to us the character of God, he is not a judge, but our father. The key message of the cross of Golgatha, better the crucified son of God, is not the necessity of vicarious penalty, but the revealing of the father´s heart of God. Jesus has died for us that is for sure, to give us relieve from our transgressions and grant us forgiveness, but that is only true from our eartly perspective. But not from the heavenly perspective of the father. God does not know our sins and transgressions, because Jesus is responsible for that before the father, like an elder brother for his younger brothers and sisters. Therefore there is no need for the father in heaven to forgive us.




Who Jesus is

The Holy Son (sura 19: 20) and the Father


John 14: 6-9:


Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the father, but by me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also; henceforth you know my Father also; hencefore you know him and have seen him."


Philipp said to him, "Lord, show us the Father, and we shall be satisfied." Jesus said to him, "Have I be with you so long ; how can you say, Show us the Father? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?


For the Muslim world it is difficult to accept or understand the Christian belief that Jesus is the firstborn son of God. Maybe the concept of surah in classical Bedouin poetry can help. We find the concept of surah, as Akikio Sumi, a Japanese scientist writes: Image in classical Arab poetry is therefore to be understood not as `picture´ but as `likeness´, as a matter of spiritual similarity, an anti-pictorial meaning, which originates with the account of man´s creation “in the image and likeness of God” (in the First Book of the Bible, Genesis). The Arabic concept of surah, usually translated as “image” has etymologically a similar meaning: “mental image, a resemblance of any object, formed or conceived by the mind, an idea, a meaning of frequent occurrence in philosophical works.”


Therefore Jesus is the rafiq of life, the friend of everyone, who guides us through our lives and through death to the father in heaven. As he is the firstborn of the whole creation and the firstborn from the dead. We all follow him, wether we like it or not. Or wether the notice it, or not. Jesus is the Good Shepherd of mankind.


And on the last day, the day of judgement, the day of the Lord, Jesus will come from heaven as the great Akid to bring us home to the father, all of mankind, in a great exodus from earth into heaven for the marriage of heaven and earth and the birth of a new era: for ever with the father!

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